
Jennie Grey

Jennie has spent many years researching and documenting information on the wartime Royal Air Force. It was Jennie's site that I was originally able to begin to obtain information about David Williams. There are three websites that Jennie maintains, these being Fire By Night, 97 Squadron and Pathfinders. Jennie has kindly allowed the use of the Alexander Laing photograph.

There are also a couple of pages which have been dedicated to the Lancaster ED928 flight. These detail both the crew members and also the crash.

Co Maarschalkerweerd

Co is a very special link in the story behing the Armstrong crew. He was just five years of age when the Lancaster ED928 crashed in his neighbourhood, in Utrecht. It is a night that Co remembers very well and has resulted in a lifetime of research into both this crash and also, many others. He wrote a very successful and detailed report of the Armstrong crew crash which was published in the After The Battle Issue 41 magazine. Co has kindly allowed the use of the photos of the crew of the Lancaster ED928 and also of the wreckage of the plane.

Stevin Oudshoorn

Stevin is the creator of the Allied World War II Casualties website. This is mainly dedicated to people who lost their lives during World War II in The Netherlands. Stevin has kindly allowed the use of the photograph of the headstone of David Williams.

Mirjam van Gelder - Verhoef

Mirjam kindly contacted me with information about a necklace that was made from the glass of the Lancaster. This necklace and the story that accompanies it can be found on the Archives page.